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Vitamin D - 1,25 Dihydroxy, Serum
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 3900
Vitamin D Total-25 Hydroxy Plasma/Serum
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 1980
Vitamin E, Whole Blood EDTA
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 4800
Vitamin E, Serum
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 5280
Vitamin K, Serum
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 5700
Vitamin K1
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 5640
VMA (Vanillylmandelic Acid), 24 Hours, Urine
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 4260
WBC - Differential Count, EDTA Blood
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 180
Widal test (Slide Method), Serum
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 240
Xpert Carba-R Assay
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 10800
Zinc, Random Urine
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.
Rs: 2520
Zinc, Serum
Parameter :1
Carry prescription and other medical records.